

IMPACT ecosys​tem enab​ler

Overvıew about corsus

We are a private impact ecosystem enabler at the heart of Technology, which is in the ​technocity of The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Türkiye (TÜBİTAK), ​Technology Development Foundation of Türkiye, İstanbul Chamber of Industry, Kocaeli ​Chamber of Industry, Sakarya Chamber of Industry and Trade.

With the cooperation of its partners,

Corsus digitalizes the business models of its customers to ensure corporate sustainability. It ​is a place of trust for companies that want to digitalize their business models because ​Corsus manages digital transformation process from beginning to end.

  • An ESG catalyst for Ecosystem
  • A digital transformation architect for Costumers
  • An impact ecosystem enabler for Strategic Partners
  • A corporate value enchancer for Scale-ups and Start-ups
  • An innovative propulsive force for Large size Companies

Corsus is a CORporate SUStainability encourager for your company..

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Letter To Our stakeholders

As you know, when the world changes, we will suffer a change as humanity. The clock is ticking so we should change to our business culture in accordance with the ESG (Enviromental, Social and Governance) and AI (Artificial Intelligence).

I know that is so hard for you but we have to do this to adapt to new dynamics because for companies, the natural selection is reality. You should be ready with Corsus when the chips are down..

On the other hand, we don't like "one man show" so we prefered the organic growth strategy with strategic partnerships for sustainable growth. If you aren't mentally ready, TAKE A SEAT and watch the passage of time OR if you are ready to your bones, contact us to THINK and DISCUSS. See you at CORSUS..

Dr. M. Fatih YÜCEL, Founding Partner

value creatıon model

Creating Value Together

We are a part of global value chain so we support our customers to comply with ESG criterias with digitalization of their business models.

Be Transparent

We work for both shareholders and employees. Sorry but we hate the agency problem in companies so we will fight until the bitter end for YOU!

Think globally

Act locally

Who doesn't know "Culture eats strategy for breakfast" so we respect local dynamics and adapt

Organısatıonal chart

Academic Institutions

PhD Students

Chief Project Office​r




MsC Students

Collarobative Companies

for R&D Projects

External Affairs Manager


Value Modeling Team & ESG Catalyzers

AI Product Owners

Chief Technology Officer

Business Modeling Team

Chief Financial Officer

Developer Partners


Operating Partners


M&A Services for Start-ups

for Scale-ups

Financial, Tax, Intellectual Properity Due Diligences

Shareholder Structure

*Our Prefence is Stakeholders Approach because we care to serve all involved

our goals related to


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Welcome to

Future of Corporations

Corsus takes its name from the abbreviation of corporate sustainability. The main theme of Corsus is the holistic provision of digital transformation-oriented business solutions required to ensure corporate sustainability in companies in line with the changing world dynamics. One of the most common problems encountered in digital transformation operations at companies is misunderstanding in digitization and digitalization terms.



Solid Isosceles Triangle
Winding Road Illustration



Solid Isosceles Triangle



Solid Isosceles Triangle



Solid Isosceles Triangle


Solid Isosceles Triangle


from our viewpoınt

PwC reported that AI will enable people to use their time efficiently, which will increase their productivity by 40% increase use of AI and automation; nearly one-third are redesigning work to reduce their organizations’ dependency on people.

According to IBM reports,companies are also applying AI to more far-reaching challenges with greater social and environmental impact, for example by addressing skills or labor shortages or helping to advance environmental, social and governance (ESG)-related initiatives and reducing their environmental impact. Two-thirds of companies are already or are planning to apply AI to their sustainability-related goals

A recent Mercer survey reported that 57% of CEOs and CFOs plan to increase use of AI and automation; nearly one-third are redesigning work to reduce their organizations’ dependency on people.

Our Services

Software Integration

We provide end-to-end service for ​AI-based products with our ​strategic partners

B2B Platform

We are an impact ecosystem enabler ​when digitalizing our customers' ​business models with our partners's

AI-based products and we are​ interested in all technology companies.​


Value Enhancer

The main purpose of digitalizing business ​models is to increase your company value. ​Productivity is controlled and improved by ​our products. We like to serve to scale-ups ​and start-ups at their growth journey

Strategıc partnerships


Corsus Technology



R&D and Innovatıon Buıldıng nO:26/48 Gebze/Kocaeli/TÜRKİYE